


Name _______________________         Date: __/__/___

The Human Body – Unit 4

 PROJECT: How your Body Fights Infections


****Due date: __________              ___/___/____****


        About 200 years ago, people began to learn much more about the causes of infectious disease and how to protect against them. These people are listed below. Please pick one person from the list to research. Answer the Questions attached to this paper.


Edward Jenner

Florence Nightingale

Louis Pasteur

Robert Koch

Alexander Flemming




Name _______________________            Date: __/__/___


I choose to research: _________________________

They are most known for discovering…________________________________________________________________________________________________


They made their discovery in the year ______.


How did their discovery help people? (3-5 complete sentences):








List 3 interesting facts you discovered during your research about your person.

1. _____________________________________________________


2. _____________________________________________________


3. _____________________________________________________